“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about CREATING yourself”- George Bernard Shaw.
This article is an outcome of a three year training process that resulted with a professional certificate and a dedicated study of Western psychology and Eastern spiritual tradition. My articles are a reflection of who I am, hence this is an attempt to open myself to you, my readers.
I was born in a small town in India to parents who were rich in their culture, and taught moral values and importance of moderation, by example. I grew up in a business family with grand parents, two siblings and two uncles family all living together under one roof. As I am the youngest daughter in the clan, my parents were overprotective. As it often happens in joint families, I admired various memorable moments as well as encountered hardships, cherishing my joyous instances and dealing with adversities. I was exposed to all the facets of life: evolving in a delicate and a grounded young girl.
School life-
This period had also been heavily influenced by my parents. My mother taught stitching, embroidery and knitting to the rural ladies in our town. Furthermore, she provided them our home space and her expertise to help them earn money to support their children’s education. On the other hand, my father was masters in Law yet he handled his family business. Along with his duty he pursued his passion and worked as an honorary juvenile judge in local civil court.
College in Delhi-
All my childhood, I dreamt of becoming an army doctor. Due to the traditional ambiance, my folks were worried about going against society rules and being ridiculed and shunned for such bold ambition for a daughter. Hence, I buried the idea of being a doctor and completed my undergrad B.Sc. Hons. from Delhi University. My life has been very predictable, like for the most young girls in India. It begun from home – school/ college- marriage. I was happily ready for my next phase of life: marriage!
I always dreamt of myself as a working and an independent woman, yet my joint family opposed it, thus I had a longing for a nuclear family where working status could be easier.
And I was blessed!
“Every desire has consequences that will affect our lives”- I was unaware of this fact.
While I was enjoying my long working hours with my business partner, responsibility towards husband, maintaining a more modern lifestyle, I was happy to realise that the joint family little girl was performing well without any family support. Along with these duties, I was blessed with a son. A sense of greater amenability. Before I could even appreciate being a mother myself, life threw me a curveball. I lost my mother in an accident. It left me emotionally wounded. Her absence made me realise the grandeur of the role of a mother in shaping her child. She was my role model to nurture my son. As I was coming with terms with my life, our house was robbed at gunpoint in Delhi. Thankfully, the robbers spared our lives. The universe tested me to the core. The last drop had been the betrayal of my business partner few months later. In retrospective, I can say it wasnt end of the world. But at that time, I felt fragmented. It was hard for me to take this emotional and financial setback. Somehow, I started to pick up the pieces of my life and offered myself to work in the same company as an employee and not as a partner. I worked on my terms till I moved to Hong Kong. These situations strengthened and taught me not to give up in life because, with Grace, things fall into their place.
Hong Kong-
In 2007, along with my 8 year old son, I followed my husband to Hong Kong. We moved here knowing no one, carrying HOPE in our hearts. On my first visit to HK, I felt safe. The more I travelled around the globe, the more I endorsed that there is no better city for my family to reside in than Hong Kong. I feel deeply connected with Hong Kong, as this place gave me opportunity to reinvent my buried passion of serving people and contributing to the society.
For one year, we lived in a service apartment over viewing central harbour view. Putting behind the turbulent years of the past, I enjoyed bonding with my family; since I was not working, I dedicated myself to motherhood. I can proudly say this was the best decision of my life. At that time, whatever little I knew about my culture I passed it on to him so my son would possess beautiful family values. During these early years in Hong Kong, we developed a special bond as mother-son and also in our relationship as confidantes.
As I explored Hong Kong, I met many people from different walks of life. This little girl had found an immediate family of well wishers she could call them her own in this mysterious city!
This gave me confidence to pursue lifelong learning. Midst of 2012, I encountered a spiritual teacher whose knowledge about life skills compelled me to learn more about Vedanta (non-duality). These teachings reminded me of my childhood. My grandmother knew the hermeneutics behind every hindu tale. They became energy boosters for me, inspiring me to inquire more into our spiritual ways and learning about the true treasures of life.
Obviously, I wondered how to share this knowledge to my son. In a happy coincidence, I crossed paths with my life coach. An European lady, so well versed with the significance of my culture and so eloquent, it had to be my Kismet (luck)! I was so mesmerized by her being, realised she touched this little girl’s self. Hence, I decided to train for a life coach. Now she is my mentor.
Since 2013, I am walking the path of life coaching along with my spiritual studies. My aim is to unite my spiritual knowledge of the east along with contemporary and logical studies of the west. The life coaching skills backed up with this unique combination, helps people to overcome buried issues like fear of targeting new goals, stress and anger that crops in from the perspective of any relationship and self doubt.
Since I live my “buried” aspirations, I am committed to support others in their journey in search of their real Self.
Stay tuned with my next article – Mind the gap!
Contact me at deepacoachme@gmail.com for free 30 min session or feel free to share your story.