I´m Deepa !
Deepa is a Certified Life Coach, a Health Freak, Passionate Cook, and a Spiritual-Seeker.
“It takes a village to raise a child!”- feels grateful to be pursuing my family mantra as my passion.
In December 2007, I moved to Hong Kong with my husband and my eight-year-old son. I had parted ways indefinitely with my people (support) who were very instrumental in my child’s growth.
In this new environment, I decided to embark on the journey of a stay at home mother, which I never experienced in India as I was a working mother. While pursuing my career in New Delhi (India), for eight years in the telecom and banking industry, I headed a team that grew from zero to eighty, specifically in convincing credit card delinquents to pay back their debts. Subconsciously, my initial experience as a coach began when I not just listened but also guided my peers and debt-ridden clients solve their problems. While assisting them help discover solutions to their issues, I developed empathy and respect for their concerns.
My life in India was consumed with the everyday hustle and bustle of survival, resulting in my parenting style up till that moment to be one of ‘Go with the Flow’! far from consciously involving myself in my son’s life. My new journey gave me an opportunity to spend more time with him. Having more time at hand to be involved in his day to day activities, I consequently became more hands on and involved in sharing parenting experiences with co-parents.
Reflecting from my childhood and upbringing involving service and philanthropy towards mothers and their growing children, deeper involvement in my son’s growing up years, all urged me to have an exchange of ideas on parenting techniques with other parents.
These conversations were unfortunately inundated with shadows, regret and lack of experience, and thus they instilled a deep fear in my heart, as I worried about my child’s future, given my nouveau (lack of support) parenting style as well.
The crux of the issue was that the societal definition of ‘success’ primarily focused on the child’s excellence in academics. Some of my observations proved that this ‘success’ did not always manifest in healthy relationships,
one where there is a mutual respect. This is something I grew up with, which is currently diminishing, and hence deeply wanted to inculcate in my child.
I decided to plunge into the journey of consciousness embedded in my parenting as well as nurture parent-child sacred relationships.
Not wanting to go through this journey alone, consciously aware that my child would soon be independent (during his high school), I sought help from a life coach and I found the process of discovering my purpose as a parent. Along with this vision, I was determined to build the ‘village’ to raise my child. This resulted to be extremely beneficial for my son’s growth, my relationship with him and the wellbeing of my family.
Additionally, in the process, my life coach highlighted that my biggest strength, is my ability to understand people and support them to solve their problems. Spurred by this insight, I decided I would like to adopt ‘life coaching’ as my new career. Although, I initially hesitated as I worried that the process of starting this new journey would limit my ability to be fully present as a parent; instead, I found great solace in the fact that I had found my purpose as an individual, that provided my son space to grow and hence developed mutual respect and harmony in the family.
I overcame my perceived fears, apprehensions and shadows. Truly, I liberated myself to enjoy the parenting journey by releasing the stress pressure and consciously not responding to external ideals. This helped me be gentle on myself, be present to my son’s needs, and accepted him as ‘who he is’ !
It’s been six years since I embarked on the journey of becoming a life coach, attaining certifications from Hong Kong University, Transformational Coaching Method, and Money Coaching Institute along the way. It is now my greatest privilege and my mission to help align people’s actions with their values. To make this happen, I specialise in active listening, constructive feedback, cultivating a smart goal, execution and problem-solving, on how one can address issues that consciously or subconsciously trouble them as parents. After receiving unconditional support and encouragement from my village (community), I am passionate to support parents in their journey to raise responsible, confident, and happier children.

I approached Deepa when we were in the process of filling up applications for my son's undergraduate studies. Contrary to what we anticipated, the process was a roller coaster ride with more downfalls than 'ups'. After trying out various counselors, none of whom seemed to give what they promised, we were hitting a new low with desperation and frustration taking over.